
About Libellules

Individually and as a couple, we are an international mix of Swiss, French and North American (US) and we are passionate about our creations -- plants grown from seeds or cuttings and wood (hand) crafting.  We believe in a few things: make the earth a better place by helping to promote its natural beauty and try to ensure as sustainable a lifestyle as possible.

Professionally we have had a great deal of variety in our work experiences always guided by our passions; we created Libellules to allow these to take flight.  Alexandre (Alec) was trained in Switzerland and in the USA, Judy primarily in the USA although her travels have taken her to meet with horticulturists and visit gardens on almost every continent.

Every one of our articles and plants is hand made or grown individually because we enjoy it that way and we derive satisfaction from each creation.  We hope you will feel the same.  

You can find our wood crafted products for purchase on this site.  Our plants are available for pick-up at our home in Middletown, NJ.  We do not ship our plants currently.

So why a "libellules" (French name for "dragon fly" : Odonata Epiprocta Anisoptera)?  Well, it is a beautifully varied and useful insect whose work dedicated to keeping the mosquito population in check is greatly appreciated....  And the name rolls off your tongue nicely in French.  If you’d like to visit our site again, it’s probably easiest to bookmark it - the name is not common in English.


Alec and Judy
